Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Thursday Art Project Idea

If you go to and go to the 2008 handouts and click embossing you can print out the handout and do the project I am doing this week, a Celtic embossing in honor of Saint Patrick Day.

1. Create Foil paper by using a glue stick and gluing the dull side of aluminum foil to the construction paper. A TIP: Make sure the glue is evenly spread!
2. Glue the paper side of the foil to desired material. I myself like insulation foam board, but you can use foam plates, cardboard etc. then be sure to fold corners neatly, have no bulges and completely glued.
3. Choose a clip art design this time of the year I do Celtic designs and tape to the flat top of the board. Then trace the design with a ball point pen.
4. When finished tracing go back over the design using a ball point pen directly on the foil.
Options: use regular ball point pen, and for more color gel pens
5. For the Celtic design I want burnished antiqued silver. So I paint over with black watercolor then burnish or rub off. You can also use any color of watercolor, shoe polish and water based marker.
6. Optional is the decoration I mount on matt board, use green silk ribbon and gold colored thumbtacks to decorate since it is Celtic.

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